Difference between JDK, JRE and JVM
In this blog post, I am going to explain the JVM, JRE and JDK and how they differ from each other. JVM JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine . It provides the environment to execute the Java byte code. As you probably know, Java is platform independent i.e. the same Java class file can be run on any operating system. It is the JVM which makes Java platform independent. When you compile code written in other programming languages, it creates files that are operating system specific. When you compile Java code, it is compiled into platform independent bytecode which is present in the .class file created after compilation. The JVM understands and executes this bytecode. So the JVM its on top of the operating system and runs the bytecode making Java platform independent. JRE JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment . JVM executes the bytecode from the .class file. However, in addition to the JVM, some additional libraries or jar files are required. So the JRE consists of these libraries and ...