How to create a Directory in Java

In this blog post, I will be covering how you can create a directory in Java. Consider the following code snippet:

package;import;public class CreateDirectory {public static void main(String[] args) {String fileName = "C:/Parent/Demo";File file = new File(fileName);boolean created = file.mkdirs();if(created)System.out.println("Directory created successfully");elseSystem.out.println("Failed to created directories");}}


There is a File.mkdirs method. This creates the directory corresponding to the File object including any non-existent parent directories. It returns a true if the directory was created successfully, otherwise it returns a false. In this case, it will print the following output (Assuming there is no error in creating the directory):

Directory created successfully

There is also a File.mkdir method. This creates a directory corresponding to the path specified, but does not create parent directories. So if the parent directory is missing, this method will return a false value.


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