How to rename a file

In this blog post ,I will be showing you how you can rename a file. Consider the following code snippet:

package;import;public class RenameFileDemo {public static void main(String args[]){String fileName = "C:/Test.txt";String newFileName = "C:/test2.txt";File file = new File(fileName);if(file.exists()){File newFile = new File(newFileName);boolean renamed = file.renameTo(newFile);if(renamed)System.out.println("File renamed successfully");elseSystem.out.println("There was an error in renaming the file");}elseSystem.out.println("File is missing");}}

If you run this code, it will produce the following output:

File renamed successfully


There is a method called File.renameTo which can be used to rename a file. It accepts as argument a file object. The file object should be constructed with the new name to be given to the file. Note that the full path needs to be specified.


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