How to create a JAX-RS Jersey client application for consuming a REST service
In this blog post, I will be demonstrating how you can create a JAX-RS client application using Jersey JAX-RS client implementation. What is JAX-RS and Jersey Client API? JAX-RS is the Java specification for Restful web services. It is just a specification, it does not provide an implementation. Jersey is the reference implementation of JAX-RS specification. There are other implementations of JAX-RS like RESTEasy, etc The first release of JAX-RS was JAX-RS 1.0. It did not provide a client API. So vendors like Jersey, RESTEasy provided their own client APIs. JAX-RS 2.0 (which is the latest release of JAX-RS) provides a client API. The latest release of Jersey (2.25.1) implements this client API. So in addition to its proprietary client API, Jersey also implements the JAX-RS client API. While implementing a REST client that uses Jersey, it is better to use the JAX-RS specific client implementation and not Jersey’s client API. So even if the JAX-RS vendor is changed from Jersey to ...