Java Queue Interface Methods Explained With Code Samples

One of the lesser known Collection interfaces in the java.util.Queue interface. In this article, I will be covering this interface in detail.

What is the Java Queue interface?

The java.util.Queue interface extends the java.util.Collection interface. It provides a First In First Out (FIFO) behavior and you can use it to represent a Queue data structure.  It has several implementations in the Collection API. The java.util.LinkedList and java.util.PriorityQueue are the most common implementations

Java Queue Interface Operations

There are several methods available on the queue interface that help to perform various queue operations.


The addmethod supports adding an element to the Queue. if for some reason the add method is unable to add the element, it throws an Exception.

Sample Code (Without Exception)

Queue<String> daysOfTheWeek = new LinkedList<String>();daysOfTheWeek.add("Monday");daysOfTheWeek.add("Tuesday");daysOfTheWeek.add("Wednesday");System.out.println(daysOfTheWeek);
  • Line 1 creates a daysOfTheWeek queue. It uses the LinkedList implementation
  • Lines 2-4 use the add method to add some values to the queue
  • Line 6 prints the queue.


[Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday]

Sample Code (With Exception)

As mentniod earlier, if the add method is unable to add the element, it throws an Exception. This behaviour is not evident when you use the LinkedList implementation of a Queue. However it is evident for the ArrayBlockingQueue implementation which has a capacity restriction.

	        Queue<String> daysOfTheWeek = new ArrayBlockingQueue<String>(1); 		boolean added = daysOfTheWeek.add("Monday"); 		System.out.println(added);		added = daysOfTheWeek.add("Tuesday"); 		System.out.println(added);
  • Line 1 creates a daysOfTheWeek queue. It uses the ArrayBlockingQueue implementation and specifies the size as 1
  • Line 2 uses the add method to add the value Monday which returns true
  • Line 4 uses the add method to add the value Tuesday 
  • Since this is a Queue with size 1, Line 4 causes an exception.


trueException in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Queue fullat java.base/java.util.AbstractQueue.add( java.base/java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue.add( demo.QueueDemo.main(


The offer method is similar to add.  So it adds an element at the head of the queue . The only difference is if for some reason the  offer method is unable to add an element to the queue, it returns a false.

Sample Code

Queue<String> daysOfTheWeek = new ArrayBlockingQueue<String>(1); boolean added = daysOfTheWeek.offer("Monday"); System.out.println("Added Monday:"+added);added = daysOfTheWeek.offer("Tuesday"); System.out.println("Added Tuesday:"+added);
  • Line 1 creates a daysOfTheWeek queue. It uses the ArrayBlockingQueue implementation and specifies the size as 1
  • Lines 2 uses the offer method to add the value Monday which returns true
  • Lines 4 uses the offer method to add the value Monday which returns false since the queue is full


Added Monday:trueAdded Tuesday:false


The removemethods helps removing a value from a Queue. It removes the element at the head of the queue. If the queue is empty, it throws a NoSuchElementException

Sample Code (Non-empty Queue)

Queue<String> daysOfTheWeek = new LinkedList<String>();daysOfTheWeek.add("Monday");daysOfTheWeek.add("Tuesday");daysOfTheWeek.add("Wednesday");String day = daysOfTheWeek.remove();System.out.println(day);
  • Line 1 creates a daysOfTheWeek queue. It uses the LinkedList implementation
  • Lines 2-4 use the add method to add some values to the queue
  • Line 5 uses the remove method to remove the head of the queue, in this case Monday
  • Line 6 prints the removed value



Sample Code (Empty Queue)

As mentioned earlier, when you invoke removeon an empty queue, it throws a NoSuchElementException

Queue<String> daysOfTheWeek = new LinkedList<String>(); String day = daysOfTheWeek.remove(); System.out.println(day);
  • Line 1 creates a daysOfTheWeek queue. It uses the LinkedList implementation
  • Line 2 invokes the remove method
  • Since the Queue is empty, it causes a NoSuchElementException


Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementExceptionat java.base/java.util.LinkedList.removeFirst( java.base/java.util.LinkedList.remove( demo.QueueDemo.main(


The pollmethod is similar to remove. So it removes the element at the head of the queue. The only difference is that if the queue is empty, the pollmethod returns a null. The removemethod on the other hand throws a NoSuchElementException .

Sample Code:

Queue<String> daysOfTheWeek = new LinkedList<String>();daysOfTheWeek.add("Monday");String day = daysOfTheWeek.poll();System.out.println(day);day = daysOfTheWeek.poll();System.out.println(day);
  • Line 1 creates a daysOfTheWeek queue. It uses the LinkedList implementation
  • Lines 2 uses the add method to add the value Monday to the queue
  • Line 3 uses the poll method to remove the head of the queue, in this case Monday
  • Line 4 again invokes the poll method which returns a null since the queue is empty




The elementmethod returns the head of the queue but does not remove it from the queue. It throws a NoSuchElementException if the queue is empty.

Sample Code:

		Queue<String> daysOfTheWeek = new LinkedList<String>(); 		daysOfTheWeek.add("Monday"); 		String day = daysOfTheWeek.element(); 		System.out.println(day); 		day = daysOfTheWeek.element(); 		System.out.println(day);				daysOfTheWeek = new LinkedList<String>(); 		day = daysOfTheWeek.element(); 		System.out.println(day);
  • Line 1 creates a daysOfTheWeek queue. It uses the LinkedList implementation
  • Lines 2 uses the add method to add the value Monday to the queue
  • Line 3 uses the element method to retrieve the head of the queue, in this case Monday. It does not remove this value from the queue
  • Line 5 again uses the element method again to retrieve the head of the queue. Since the call at Line 3 does not remove the value, this call also returns Monday
  • Line 8 initializes the daysOfTheWeek Queue to a new empty Queue
  • Line 9 uses the element method to retrieve the head of the queue
  • Since the queue is empty, this causes a NoSuchElementException


MondayMondayException in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementExceptionat java.base/java.util.LinkedList.getFirst( java.base/java.util.LinkedList.element( demo.QueueDemo.main(


The peekmethod is similar to element. So it returns the element at the head of the queue without removing it. The only difference is that if the queue is empty, the peekmethod returns a null. The elementmethod on the other hand throws a NoSuchElementException.

Sample Code:

Queue<String> daysOfTheWeek = new LinkedList<String>();daysOfTheWeek.add("Monday");String day = daysOfTheWeek.peek();System.out.println(day);daysOfTheWeek = new LinkedList<String>();day = daysOfTheWeek.peek();System.out.println(day);
  • Line 1 creates a daysOfTheWeek queue. It uses the LinkedList implementation
  • Lines 2 uses the add method to add the value Monday to the queue
  • Line 4 uses the peek method to retrieve the head of the queue, in this case Monday. It does not remove this value from the queue
  • Line 7 initializes the daysOfTheWeek Queue to a new empty Queue
  • Line 9 uses the element method to retrieve the head of the queue
  • Since the queue is empty,it returns null




So in this article, we understood the java.util.Queue interface. We also saw the various operations like peek, poll, add, remove and element on the Queue interface.


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