Some Git Terminologies Explained in Brief
In this article, I will try to explain some of the important terminologies associated with Git. Some Git Terms Working Directory Working directory refers to a project folder on the file system. It may or may not be tracked by Git. Staging Area A staging area represents the files that are ready to be added to a repository. Typically, projects include dynamically generated files like class files, test reports, etc. These are not added to a repository, only the source code/configuration files are added to a repository. Thus, whenever you want to add some code to a repository, it first needs to be added to the staging area, from where it can be committed to the repository. The process of adding code to the staging area is known as indexing . Local Repository As explained in my Git v/s Github article, Git maintains a local repository where it keeps track of all the changes made to the project on the local system. Remote Repository The repository on your repository hosting system like Githu...