Git commands CheatSheet - List of most used Git commands

In this article, I will be listing some of the important Git commands along with their syntax and examples. This article is aimed to be a Git commands cheatsheet for developers.

Important Git Commands

git init

The git init command creates a local repository.  It creates a hidden .git folder that represents the local repository.


git init


git init      # Initializes the current directory as a git repository

git init <path> # Initializes the specified directory as a git repository

git add

The git add command adds files to the git staging area


git add <filename>


git add # adds

git add . # adds everything from the current directory recursively OR

git add -A # same as git add .

git commit

The git commit command adds files to the local repository. You can use it to add a single file as well as a bunch of files.


git commit -m "<msg>"


git commit -m "Initial commit"

git commit -am "Initial commit" $ Combination of git add and git commit, can only be used for tracked files

git push

The git push command adds files from the local Git repository to the remote repository on your Git hosting system like Github. Before executing this command, it is necessary for the remote repository to exist on the Git hosting platform.


git push <repository name> <branch name>


git push origin main # pushes the main branch

git push origin b1 # pushes the branch b1

git clone

The git clone command obtains a copy of a remote repository on the local system. This is known as cloning a repository.


git clone <url>


git clone

git pull

The git pull command fetches the latest code from the remote repository and merges it with the local code. It is a combination of the git fetch and git merge commands. You can use it to synchronize your local repository with the remote repository. It is a best practice to always do a pull before doing a push.


git pull <repository name> <branch name>


git pull origin master # fetches the latest code from the master branch of the remote repository and merges it with the local repository

git status

The git status command returns the status of a git repository. It provides information about the current branch, whether there are untracked files, files to commit, and so on.


git status


git status

This returns information like:

$ git statusOn branch mainYour branch is ahead of 'origin/main' by 4 commits.  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)Changes not staged for commit:  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)        modified:   Hello.txtno changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

git branch

The git branch command executes branch-related actions like creating a new branch, renaming a branch, deleting a branch, and listing all branches.


git branch <options > <branch name>


git branch b1 # Creates branch b1

git branch -a # Lists available branches with an * around the active branch

git branch -m oldbranch newbranch # Renames oldbranch to newbranch

git branch -d branch1  # Deletes branch1

git merge

The git merge command can be used to merge a branch into the currently checked-out branch.


git merge <branch name>


git checkout master # switches to the master branch

git merge b1 # Merges b1 into master 

git merge b1 --no-ff # Merges b1 into master by disabling fast forward merge 

git reset

Removes a file from the staging area.


git reset HEAD <filename>


git reset HEAD file.txt # Removes file from staging area

git checkout

Can be used to switch branches or restore files.


git checkout <filename>


git checkout Hello.txt # Reverts Hello.txt to the last version in Git, note that if the file is added to index, it should be first removed via the git reset command shown above

git checkout branch1 # used to switch to branch branch1

git checkout -b branch1 #creates branch branch1 and swtiches to it


Further Learning


So, this article provides a Git commands cheatsheet. It explains the important Git commands and their syntax along with examples. Some of the commands covered include git init, git add, git push, git pull and so forth.




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