Maven clean install command explained

Maven is a popular build automation and project management tool primarily used for Java projects. Java developers often run the maven clean install command to build Java projects. In this blog post, I will try to explain what the maven clean install command does.

Let us break down this command.



This part of the command tells Maven to clean the project. Cleaning a project means removing all the build artifacts (compiled classes, libraries, generated files, etc.) from previous builds. This ensures that you start with a clean slate before building the project again. It’s particularly useful to eliminate any potential issues caused by leftover artifacts from previous builds.




This part of the command tells Maven to build and package the project and then install the resulting artifact(s) into the local Maven repository. The local repository is a local cache where Maven stores project dependencies and artifacts. When you use “install,” the project’s packaged artifact (e.g., a JAR or WAR file) is copied to the local repository. This allows other projects on your local machine to depend on and use the artifact without needing to publish it to a central repository.


Further Reading




In summary, “Maven clean install” is a command that is executed on the command line. It is used to ensure a clean build of a Maven project, including removing any existing build artifacts and installing the project’s artifact(s) into the local Maven repository. This is a common command used during the development and testing of Java projects managed with Maven.


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